

Tell a Story with Data Visualization

One of my favorite things to do is see how many clicks my social media links garner or dive into Google analytics to see how visitors got to our site. These indicators tell me how well I’m doing, but how do I translate all that data to share with others? It’s one thing to put … Read More

Redesign with Content in Mind

It’s time to bring your website into the 21st century. But before you start redesigning with fancy image slideshows, catchy header images and various plugins, consider the most of important part of your website: the content. Create a content strategy before you build out the design for a website that’s tailored to your audience. The “Content … Read More

Optimize Your Retargeting Strategy

What is Retargeting? Simply put, retargeting is a form of online marketing used to “retarget” users that left your website without taking any action. A retargeting strategy aims to increase conversions using cookies. Cookies use a basic code, sometimes known as a pixel, to follow your website’s visitors. Sounds a bit intrusive, right? Thanks to … Read More

Create Valuable Buyer Personas with Research and Data

Companies usually have a general idea of the audience groups they want to target. For Sevaa Group, we often create and/or host functional websites for non-profit organizations, law firms, and higher education institutions. We also work with marketing agencies who design those functional websites. Finally, we create content that appeals to other developers or people … Read More

Desktop with bar graph and Twitter icon.

Maximize Your Outreach with Twitter Campaigns

Twitter is one of the top social media platforms, along with Facebook, that people use to communicate; so why not take advantage of this environment to target potential clients with your content? Much like Facebook, Twitter offers a variety of marketing tools to help you get your brand and your message in front of the … Read More

Desktop with bar graph and Facebook logo.

Increase Your Reach with Facebook Campaigns

Facebook has been a social media staple in marketing for years, and if your company isn’t on Facebook, then you’re missing out…big time! According to Forbes, the network accommodates nearly one-third of the planet as its user base! That’s about 2 billion! Unfortunately, many companies lack the space in their budget for digital marketing, but … Read More

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