

Desktop with green arrow on screen, surrounded by ear icon, eye icon, brain icon, and hand icon.

Build an Inclusive Website with Digital Accessibility

What is Digital Accessibility? The 90’s were a booming time for technology. I can still remember the first computer we used in elementary school (that’s right, we used one computer among three classrooms). With a simplistic black and green screen, we took advantage of the five educational games available to us. This was also a … Read More

Laptop with Google search bar with 'What's New?" typed.

Happy 20th, Google! Here’s What’s New with Search

September 2018 signals the 20th anniversary for Google, and to celebrate, we’re getting a handful of new features! These updates center around how users search. Users will find that their interactions are much more convenient, engaging, and relevant. For marketers, these changes mean tailoring content to the way users search. The changes include three major … Read More

Laptop with circle that says "SEO" above five orange stars. Laptop bordered by dollar bills.

5 SEO Tricks for E-Commerce Websites

Every business is different, therefore, your SEO strategy should be personalized to fit the needs of your website. This is especially true for e-commerce websites. While the basic pillars of SEO remain, you’ll need to tailor your strategy to accommodate your users. A quick refresher: SEO, or search engine optimization, is a form of web … Read More

How Structured Data Can Improve Your Website’s SEO

What is Structured Data? Google and other popular search engines use structured data to understand the content laid out on a website. This data allows you to organize and classify elements on your page. Semantic HTML is a great example of structured data. You can use structured data to indicate an image, an author, a … Read More

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