

Desktop with green arrow on screen, surrounded by ear icon, eye icon, brain icon, and hand icon.

Build an Inclusive Website with Digital Accessibility

What is Digital Accessibility? The 90’s were a booming time for technology. I can still remember the first computer we used in elementary school (that’s right, we used one computer among three classrooms). With a simplistic black and green screen, we took advantage of the five educational games available to us. This was also a … Read More

Laptop with landing page example highlighted with orange boxes.

Sevaa Explains Semantic HTML5 Tags

Writing quality content is vital to your SEO ranking, but there’s more you can do to help browsers and developers display that content on the page. By using Semantic HTML5 tags, you give meaning to the information displayed on the webpage or web app, as opposed to using markup for stylistic purposes. With these tags, … Read More

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