Mobile phone with app example. Four breakout circles that show security lock, user icon, gear icons, and pencil icon.

There’s an app for that! But how about when there’s not? The days of keeping a physical calendar or going to the bank to deposit a check are passed, except for those few who are still holding out on turning to smartphones. It’s understandable; I myself still enjoy the process of writing down a to-do list in my agenda and crossing items off. Still, mobile apps have greatly streamlined the daily processes that we go through. Not to mention, it’s in a business’s best interest to embrace the accessibility that mobile apps have to offer. Look at your phone. How many apps on your phone save you the time and effort of actually leaving your home?

Whether it’s for practicality or entertainment, we’ve all had a mobile app idea pop into our heads at some point. We think, “There’s got to be an app for that.” Then you found out there’s not. “Wow, I’m sitting on a goldmine of an idea!” Great! Now you just have to build the app and get it out there (or have a company like Sevaa Group build it for you). Here are 5 factors to consider when you’re in the planning stages of building a mobile app:


Having someone on your team with a UI/UX designer’s mindset can help bring your mobile app vision to fruition. Not only does your app need to be aesthetically pleasing, but it also needs to cater to the user’s experience and guide their interactions with your app. While a great color scheme is very important, you need a designer to determine who your audience is and how to engage them.

A designer will start out with concept designs that detail the branding and architecture of your app. Unassuming aspects can make a big difference in your conversion rate, like how users sign in if there are different roles within the app.


Software Versions

There are two popular software versions when it comes to mobile apps: iOS, for Apple devices, and Android. Each version comes with its own unique app requirements. Within those operating systems, there are also different installed versions to take into consideration. Each operating system uses a unique language that’s native to that particular platform. However, as mobile apps become more widely used, advances to create one language that works across multiple platforms become necessary. Frameworks like Ionic and Xamarin are examples of this hybrid language.

This factor calls for some coding expertise. If you’re a bit overwhelmed at this point, Sevaa Group is here. When we develop an app or website, we make sure that it works for all devices, browsers, and software versions.

Type of Mobile Device

In addition to software versions, you also need to keep in mind the type of devices your app will appear on. This aspect comes with an app being responsive. Different devices have different screen sizes, memory, and storage options among other aspects. When we develop a project, we make sure that is scalable to accommodate traffic spikes, storage, and memory increases.


Of course security is on this list! It’s one of the most important factors of any development project. Users keep a lot of valuable information on their mobile devices: phone numbers, addresses, emails, passwords, bank accounts, etc. Ensuring that your app is safe falls under the umbrella of cybersecurity. As a developer, designer, or idea-maker, it is everyone’s responsibility to ensure security at every level of the development process. This strategy is known as DevSecOps.



Finally, you’ll need a backend to build this app on. This requires a host. If you currently host a website with us, it might be worth it to look into building a mobile app or a progressive web to accompany your website. Since most users mainly use their mobile devices to surf the web and get things done, it’s important to bring your business to them in the most accessible way possible. Our hosting solutions are tailored to meet the needs of your project. We start with a discovery phase that includes chatting about your vision, goals, and the strategy we’ll take to get started. Next, we’ll begin development based on a detailed timeline and keep you in the loop, every step of the way.



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