This year, we’re proud to be a sponsor of DrupalCon Nashville. We’re even more excited that two of our very own are presenting talks at the conference! Acquia-certified lead developer, Dan Hansen is talking about PDFs in Drupal, and our Director, Randall Kent, will be talking about testing with Cypress. Check them out!
PDFs in Drupal – Dan Hansen (@DanAtSevaa)
Portable Document Files (PDFs) are one of the most common file formats in use. They have a reputation as a nearly immutable document rendering compared to regular text or a Word file. PDFs appear almost identical across all platforms. Because of this perceived stability, PDFs have thousands of uses, whether it’s getting that pixel-perfect print layout or sending secure documents. It’s a vital format to be able to work with, but making use of PDFs on the web can be tricky.
Thankfully, Drupal 8 has the tools to make PDF creation easy and useful to your users. With the use of Composer and Drupal, even more tools become available. Dan’s session is designed to demonstrate and explore real world solutions to the challenges of PDFs at all levels. Dan will cover topics including:
- Browser Print-to-PDF styling
- PDF print modules like Entity Print and Printable
- Implementing DOMPDF, TCPDF, and other DPF rendering libraries
- Utilizing PDF templates for less rendering overhead
- Combining PDFs into single documents with tools like FPDI
This session will include a significant amount of PHP coding.
Speedy Testing with Cypress – Randall Kent (@RandallKent)
One of the biggest hurdles to testing your site is the time it takes to get a solid testing foundation in place. Cypress lets you hit the ground running with a complete open source solution that replaces the Selenium stack end-to-end.
Cypress is simple enough that you will write and run your first test in the first few minutes that you use it. It utilizes a language you’re familiar with (JavaScript), a browser you trust (Chrome), and a familiar assertion library to create consumable, readable errors. Tests run in front of you in real time and deliver debuggable results that make it easy to track down any point of failure.
Randall’s sessions will cover topics including:
- Installing Cypress
- Writing and running basic tests
- Reviewing history on completed tests
- Debugging using DevTools
- Running Cypress in Continuous Integration (CI)
- Using the Cypress dashboard to record and share test runs
Check out all of the accepted sessions available at DrupalCon this year.
We can’t wait to see everyone in Nashville! Be sure to visit us at booth #719 for free swag and a surprise raffle! We’d love to talk to you about collaborating on your next project. Be sure to follow us on Twitter for event updates.