DrupalCon Los Angeles banner.

Our bags are packed and we’re headed out to sunny Los Angeles for a week of Drupal-filled goodness. Ever look at a conference schedule and feel your head start to spin? We know the feeling. We don’t want to miss a moment of the great conference we have ahead of us. So, the best plan of attack for us is to divide and conquer!

The conference is divided into several tracks, and we like to make sure our team members get to attend the talks that will be most beneficial for the work they do.

Ryan is hitting up some talks on the DevOps circuit.

  • How Jenkins can work for the Whole Team
    Jenkins is an open source continuous integration tool that might make your Sys Admin’s life a little easier. This talk should give us good insight into a workflow that may work for us!
  • Kalabox 2: Your Workflow Companion, Your Workflow Solution
    Can you tell we’re into workflow optimization? Another great tool that we might like to implement as we grow our team.
  • You Are A Golden God: Automate Your Workflow for Fun and Profit
    The talk summary says it best: “A good agile development workflow is frequently augmented by automation. Teams that deliver excellence on complex projects usually have a good amount of tooling backing them up: they’re able to work in parallel, often running tests against every single commit, automatically, and as a result they’re shipping more often while simultaneously having fewer miscommunications, missteps, and mistakes.” We want to make sure we’re using automation as much as possible to help us work faster and more efficiently, while delivering top-notch results.

It’s all fine and well to listen in on conference talks and get excited. Where the rubber meets the road is when you get home and it’s time to start implementing the new tricks you’ve learned. By sending our team members to talks that align with what they’re best at, they come back with an infectious enthusiasm that we can’t help but capitalize on.

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